FDA Warns the Customers about Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers


FDA has warned the consumers about the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers for they might contain dangerous methanol or wood alcohol.

The pandemic of COVID-19 is still not over. In the time, all the people need to be vigilant and careful to prevent the spread of the virus. The best way to prevent is not to be the carrier. The optimal way of protection is wearing a mask and washing hands frequently.

Hand sanitizer will keep the virus at bay if you want to move around to do the chores. It is also handy for hand hygiene as compared to soap and water. Simply rub your hand with a recommended hand sanitizer to navigate the germ spikes where soap and water are not readily available. The recommended Food and Drug Administration of US does not approve alcohol-based hand sanitizer to counter the attack of pathogens and viruses.

The danger

The presence of methanol or wood alcohol is dangerous as they are used in fuel and anti-freezing. These substances can be dangerous if absorbed through the skin. They can be life-threatening if ingested, it means you cannot eat anything after using such sanitizers.

The actions

FDA has imposed an import alert on such sanitizers and been proactive to contact with the retailer store move them from the selves of the stores. The agency is also encouraging online marketplace to remove alcohol-based hand sanitizers from US. The warning letter to Eskbiochem S.A. de C.V. mentions that the distribution of alcohol-based sanitizers is to be stopped immediately as there are wrong claims saying that FDA approved them.

The first warning was issued in June 2020 and the recent warning has been issued this month after the increase in number of serious cases of blindness, cardiac effects, and damage to the central nervous system and causes leading to deaths.

Commissioner FDA Stephen M. Hahn, M.D. says that such sanitizers are toxic and a serious threat to life. The distribution of them will not be tolerated and FDA will take action as necessary because it is the matter of public health and safety.

The risk

People using alcohol-based sanitizers with methanol may experience vomiting, nausea, blindness, blurred vision, headache, seizures or even coma. It might also lead to permanent damage to the nervous system or death. Such consumers who are exposed to such symptoms should rush to the hospital to seek immediate medical treatment. You can read about complaining against the distributors of mentioned hand sanitizers at the website of FDA.

How to apply?

It might be imprudent to explain but its really important. You need an adequate quantity of sanitizer to rub on to your hands making sure it reaches all the surfaces and areas. Ogbonnaya Omenka who is a public health expert and assistant professor at Butler University explains that we are still not sure about what amount is enough as we are still going through the pandemic and at the stage of learning. Cross the fingers of both hands to apply between the fingers. Cover one hand with the other one after the other. Wait until it absorbs and dries completely. Drying is the most important concern of using hand sanitizers.