Green Recovery Roadmap: Proposed Measures for Fair EU’s Fashion Sector


The EU faced unparalleled disasters due to the COVID-19 Pandemic as it affected every part of the country. So, the demand is to accept reality and overcome losses with full heart, equality, and harmony. There are no business places, but work with integrity will change the circumstances in comparatively lesser time than required. Thus, “green” recovery is the best term they are using against the COVID-19.

Summary of the Novel Published Green Deal

The members of the European Council gave a Joint Statement for a synchronized exit methodology, an inclusive recovery strategy, and first-time investment. They welcomed both the President of the European Council and the President of the Commission, in discussion with European Central Bank to work on a Green Roadmap.

Baptiste Carriere-Pradal, chair of the Policy Hub, talked in a report:

“The COVID-19 Pandemic has damaged the global economy badly. The apparel, textile, and footwear industry are also affected. This crisis combines sustainability programs, and commitments have increasingly become the industry norm, and steps toward achieving a circular economy and carbon neutrality are taken.”

Strategies and Principles with Key Areas for Action

In the coming 12 months, there are some preventative measures that everyone should follow. Thus, in the proposal, they mentioned that the government needs short-term support to “drive green engagement and commitments” via conditional loans. In return, the EU members and the European Commission should also support the companies to increase the circular economy.

Furthermore, the Policy Hub also shared the proposal for the next five years. According to the report, low-carbon content in the environment is the demand to grow the market with renewable energy resources. Their goal is to achieve fifty percent emissions for fifty-five present reduction target for 2030. Besides, carbon fixation results in carbon neutrality that is achievable in 2050.

Last but not least, the Policy Hub supports the European Commission’s transparency determination. But the proposal prefers to get combined efforts from government and industry for new electronic funds.

Carriere-Pradal added more:

“The shifting of the economy to a more circular requires all hands-on deck and is a collaborative effort by citizens, industry, and policymakers who can build upon both existing commitments and new initiatives together.”

These seven rules, hence, offer a strong basis for the startup and completion of recovery plans.

Amina Rizwi, executive director of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition, shared her thoughts as:

“Based on industry skills, these short and medium-term measures can efficiently guide a robust legislative agenda that drives truly sustainable change. If enacted, the measures will promote more resilient supply chains and help address the current crisis and the ongoing climate crisis.”

To get the expected results, we must get purchases from government and parliament, from communal associates, and local people. We must shake hands with stakeholders to produce a long-lasting relationship with them. Moreover, the European Council ensures to monitor every single step on all levels to achieve the roadmap in collaboration with other EU organizations. So, there is no ambiguity about gaining success, but it requires fulfillment and devotion towards the goal.