A Big Move by Celebrities against Racism after George Floyd’s Death


The killing of George Floyd triggered many things among people since the last week in the U.S. Many celebrities started posting about the Anti-Racism stuff publicly. The starting educating their children through different sorts of stuff like pictures, magazine posts, drawings, and much more.

After what happened to George, Victoria Beckham, a successful fashion designer and celebrity exposed that she and her husband sat together and decided to educate their children about racism, she writes in a post on her Instagram that they spent a lot of time together being a family, talking and reading about the issue because her children were so shocked and overwhelmed after learning that there is still injustice.

Other actresses January Jones posted a picture of her eight years old son on Instagram with a playing card saying, “I Can’t Breath.” The post reads that it is a very hard and necessary conversation with my son. She promised that she would continue to talk about inequality and injustice to her son. She said it very difficult to understand for a child who never used to see color differences among his friends.

Katherine Heigl, an alum from Grey’s Anatomy, updated on Instagram a post with her two white and one black daughter. The caption of the picture says, “I lay in my bed in the dark and weep for every mother of a beautiful heavenly black child who has to quench a piece of their beloved baby’s spirit to try to keep them alive in a country that has too many sleeping soundly.”

It is very clear from people’s reactions that the cruel killing of George Floyd made everyone sad and put them in fear about the lives of their beloved ones who are black.

Reese Witherspoon, a blond hair actress, said that her seven-year-old son asked her on the dining table at dinner about the people’s sadness. Moreover, she added that she told about the death of George Floyd to her son and tried to explain about racism. She said it was really heartbreaking for her to talk about this topic with little mind.

We have been through many posts updated by the celebrities on their Instagram accounts showing the worries about the future. These include Meghan Markle, Vanessa Bryant, Taraji P. Henson, Holly Willoughby, and many more like them.

The most heart touching update was of Carly Waddell, an alum of the Bachelor in Paradise. She said that we are finding a way to explain who to explain to our two-year-old child who walks by and sees these fires on the news while feeding her white doll in her fake high heels. Moreover, she added we should educate ourselves first so that we can educate our children well. She hoped for everyone to do the same.

Thomas Rhett, signer of the song “Be a Light” also posted a picture with her wife and two daughters to show solidarity to George and his family.