Joseph Wendrich Talks Film and Fame


Today we have the pleasure of speaking to Joseph Wendrich, an actor from Wales who is
working in the movie industry in Los Angeles. Joseph has an extensive background in martial arts and in theater, and has worked with notable industry professionals from around
the world.

What brought you to Los Angeles?
After training in theater in the UK, I moved to Los Angeles to study acting at the American
Academy of Dramatic Arts, and have since been working here as an actor. Although there
are many prestigious drama schools around the world including the UK, my passion has
always been in film, and LA remains the movie capital of the world, as the major production companies are still based here. I felt that it would be of huge benefit to establish myself here and surround myself with people who understand how the movie industry works, and how to work as an actor within it.

Have you found the acting industry different in Los Angeles compared to the UK?
One of the major differences is the sheer number of productions happening in LA. As an
actor you are constantly surrounded by potential projects, and you then have to find out
where you fit in the industry, or what your brand is as a performer. The categorizing or branding of actors is another difference, as in LA it is very prevalent that your look and personality fit into predetermined archetypes such as; leading man, love interest, best friend etc. I believe it can be quite difficult to change the industry’s perception of you. Although this categorisation also exists in the UK, I find that there is more emphasis on one’s authenticity and individuality. This is also reflected in their productions, as where Hollywood seems to portray an idealistic world, British productions seem to portray an image closer to reality, with characters that don’t necessarily fit the Hollywould archetypes.

What are some of the difficulties working abroad?
The biggest difficulty for me has been financially. LA has very high living expenses on top of
visa fees, and acting is a notoriously inconsistent career. Thankfully I have been very
fortunate in that regard, and have been booked for projects relatively consistently which has helped immensely. Being away from family can also be difficult, but I have found that having a defined goal and consistently working towards it helps in this regard. My family is also very supportive which gives me motivation to keep pushing and make them proud.

Do you have any recent or upcoming projects?
I have recently wrapped two mini-series, Lucifer: My Boyfriend from Hell, and Tangled Ties
and Tipsy Vows. One is a story where Lucifer loses a fragment of his soul inside a woman,
and we follow them as Lucifer attempts to win her over to retrieve his fragment, and the
other is a story about Carol, who has to choose between the two men fighting for her hand in marriage, both with ulterior motives. Both series are available to stream on Sereal Plus.
I have two short films in post-production, In Defense of Movie Theatres and My Sweet
Frankenstein, in which I play two very different characters. One is a killer trying to save
himself, and the other an innocent creature with no understanding of the world he’s in.
I also have an up-coming movie series which is set to shoot next year.

Where can we find you?
Instagram: @joseph_wendrich_
Facebook: @joseph.wendrich