Exclusive Talent Interview with Blue Bloods Actress Tiffany Rothman!


Tiffany Rothman is a multi-dimensional actress and pro dancer. In the entertainment industry, Tiffany has starred in some amazing film productions and tv-series! She has become apart of all major unions including SAG/AFTRA/AEA and in dance,Tiffany is a member and the board of advisors at ‘Isadora Duncan International Institute’ . Tiffany Rothman recently starred on an episode of Blue Bloods on CBS opposite famed actor Danny Wahlberg and she has some other amazing projects in the works! Check out or new and exclusive Q & A with actress Tiffany Rothman!


Q: Can you give us some info about your latest theater performance?

A: Last June, I was in a ZOOM reading for this wonderful theater piece called “Lifted LIFTED SPIRITS”. It was a great experience. Before the pandemic, and awhile back, I had two nights in an off Broadway play called “My Big Gay Italian Funeral,” and before that I was a member of LOVE CREEK THEATER PRODUCTION. All of this was in NYC.

Q: What is your favorite part of performing ( rehearsals, being on set, red carpet viewing, all of it) ? 

A: All of it. Rehearsal  is great as you get to work with your colleagues and get  to know them. Being on set is always wonderful, it gives a sense of lift for your spirituality as well as your overall well being. Red carpet is always fun to go to and see others, good chance to get out and socialize with the ones who really understand your passion.

Q: You are both talented and very wise with a masters in psychology, how do you prepare for a role? Can you walk us through a process? 

A: I did my doctorate thesis based on a play that I was in called: ” FLOWERS: A Thorny Romance”. The play is about domestic violence . It was a difficult  process to do that one. I have to read it well and worked with a coach to bring out the character in that situation . I do that with each character that I audition for. I use my imagination to create the situation/story behind the character and to justify why the character behaves the way she does.

Q:  What is your most memorable moment in your career ? 

A My very first Shakespeare play of Romeo and Juliette at TEATRO LATEA theater on the lower east side of  Manhattan. I was Lady Montague without the lord. I had both lines of the lady and the lord. What I liked the most about working with my colleagues was the great actor, Mateo Gomez, who played Lord Capulet,.  We tried to figure out why two families hate each other so much. So we made up a wild story about our own personal affairs with each other. It was one of the most amusing experiences I’ve ever had doing theater.

Q:  Do you have a phrase, quote or personal motto in life for success? 

A: When I was in my undergraduate alma mata at University of Massachusetts at Amherst, it was my junior year living off campus with other roommates, we were studying for exams and ofcourse it was very hard for me and some of my roommates. So  I came up with a quote as; ” If education was fun, the whole world would be well educated ” and my roommates were impressed, they told their parents, and we added on “…then we would achieve world peace among other things.”



