All the Looters Are Now Tracked By the Apple


There are many indications of looting cases on a lot of iPhone retail stores in the United States. The United States is threatened with many other instances of looting. All the looters must be aware of the fact that now they cannot use all the stolen iPhones and other Apple products. These are all tracked by the Apple Company. That is why someone who is trying to steal the iPhone or any other Apple product must not make this mistake. Apple has threatened all the looters that you are being tracked.

George Floyd’s protest

These incidents take place mostly during the protests. Among all other stores being looted by the protestors, Apple stores are on the top. In George Floyd’s rally, all the industries in America went through unexpected and severe damage.

The chief executive officer of Apple industry Tim Cook closed all the major branches of retail stores in the U.S. to overcome any further damages. There are many reported cases of stolen devices, broken windows, and many more damages to the Apple retail stores.

Tweet About iPhone Notification

Don’t underestimate Apple, and it will not sit quietly and let the looters enjoy the feast. If you think so, you are wrong. Because of the company system, designed very carefully can track down the location of its product users. Thus, the looters cannot use the iPhone products stolen from the store. There was a picture tweeted by the person with the username “Josh (apex male) with the caption on it “Nah son I swear to god I’d be heated

This picture contains an iPhone that was supposed to be stolen from some store has a warning notification on its screen saying, “Please return to the (store where it was stolen). This device has been disabled and is being tracked. Local authorities will be alerted.”

After that, it became a trending tweet on all the social media platforms with 55,000 likes and more than 7,000 retweets. You might be thinking that the tracking feature is new to the industry. The answer is no; it is no longer new to the company. If you are an iPhone user, you must be aware that iPhones can be trailed when it gets stolen or misplaced.

Find My app Feature

There is a built-in app in iPhone “Find My” that is enabled to locate you by default. This app helps its users to keep their information safe. When you lost your device, you can sign in to the iCloud web page. Open the Find My and mark the box as lost. It will automatically lock the device with some passcode. You can also display some custom text on the screen of the lost device. Because of this app, the owner can quickly get the location of the lost device. Apple advised to all of its users, “If your device goes missing, put it in Lost Mode to lock it immediately and start tracking its location.”

Now there are only two options for the looters. Either throw away the looted device or Apple product so that its owner can find it by location or return to the store secretly.