Washington State has fired the university’s head football coach, Nick Rolovich

Washington State has fired the university’s head football coach, Nick Rolovich, as well as 4 assistants on his staff, over their decision to not get a COVID-19 vaccine.
Washington has a COVID-19 vaccine mandate in place for all public employees, and given that WSU is a public university, that includes the Cougars’ football coaches. October 18 was the deadline set by WA Gov. Jay Inslee (D) for state employees to get vaxxed or get goin’.
‘The noncompliance with this requirement renders [Rolovich] ineligible to be employed at Washington State University and therefore can no longer fulfill the duties as a head coach of our football program effective immediately,’ Washington State athletic director Pat Chun said in a press conference Monday. ‘It is disheartening to be here today. Our football team is hurting. Our WSU community is fractured. Today will have a lasting impact on the young men on our team and the remaining coaches and staff.’
According to Chun, Rolovich’s refusal to take the vaccine means he will be fired for cause and not have the remainder of his coaching contract paid out.